United IGS offers solutions in IT, Business Consulting and Outsourcing Services. We believe in innovation, collaborative approach to provide transformational solutions, technology implementationand strategic partnership

At United IGS, we’re experts in analytics, operations management, and technology. Business Intelligence: the all-important combination of digital and domain knowledge, human and technology, comes together to create breakthrough results

Safety at United IGS

The health and well-being of our staff is our paramount top priority. United IGS owes much of our success to our large presence in India, and we are committed to helping the country and its people overcome this situation.

We launched COVID Support Team, by pulling together all of the resources available to us to support our staff in India, their dependents, and their communities.

We have focused out efforts on the below mentioned primary areas:

  1. Supporting COVID care facilities
  2. Providing access to vaccinations
  3. Extended working from home till the end of year’21
  4. Providing our staff with online coupons

As part of this initiative, we have reached out to COVID Care Facilities across India. We’re supporting our staff by making vaccination easier for people with disabilities, tied by with hospitals to provide medical consultations to COVID positive staff and their immediate family members. We have giving paid leave for COVID care or recovery. Additionally, we have an emergency financial support for our staff dire cases.

We are extremely grateful for all our staff, our communities, our families, and each other.